“Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.”

I am called Belle. 300 year old englishgirl who lives in KL. :D
I'm a ballet dancer. Admires dancers a lot.
Love roses, just a simple pink one. :)
A socialized girl. Loves to chaat.
Loves Avril a lot.
Music, the important daily 'food' :)

October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011

piNg rawr Yyan yen shan jbieber chris smun matthew mun jackson junen yng Cyi miao


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Saturday, February 26, 2011
6:45 AM
Whole New Life ♥

♥ Hair Cut
Yay, finally cut my hair. So freaking happy because it's going to be much more lighter and before. Happy happy happy. Boy's going for hair cut tomorrow, going to see the nice cut he got. xD

♥ Ballet
-.- Miss.Gan came. I was like wtf, you din't even let us know, and at first I was so scared because I din't have a net on my bun, second, I'm not on her Sonata leotard >< Anyway, she din't really notice that at all. The fun part is I'm going to have exam this year, Intermediate ! Yay ! I have to really work hard now, as for the 7.15pm class, just have to figure out a way to attend the class. School ends at 6.45pm, WTF! 

♥ Shopping
After a sweatty dance, I get to go to 1 Utama with MuiYii, so freaking tired. Legs are just killing me. Walk all the way to the end and come back to the starting point, wtf. Tired man! Don't ever want to walk after my ballet class, at least I got a wheel chair, or else, don't ever !

Sunday, February 20, 2011
1:29 AM
Pwetty ♥

It's been so strange this few days. I'm in a bunch of fire, acting weired some times. 
Making everyone angry and hate of me. WTF am I doing? 
Stop these fire fire thingie, hate it so much.

I found that you're much more closer to me these few days.
I said I Miss You, you replied I Miss You Too.
I said I Love You, you answered I Love you Too.
W E I R E D 
anyway, I really love you ! haha =]
I went to ballet class today, my leg seriously damaged. Don't know can walk for the rest of my life or not. @.-
Hope that it will cure as fast as it could. I don't want to be a handy-cap ><
I want to dance for the rest of my life.
Ballet forever !
Miss my Lot 10 teachers and friends. Miss you guys so freakin much !

This Wednesday is my exam !
I din't even study for it, I'm so going to study later.
My homework are just like mountains. Really can't finish it, don't know how those freakin people did it.
I hate doing homeworks that I don't know how to do !
As for those i knows how to do, I'll try to finish it >.^

Viv, you're just so pwetty, I like your hair so freakin much. I'm going to cut my hair, and change myself.
I saw those photos on your profile, it's just so perfect. 
But some photos, you look just like Brenda, hahax xD
Anyway like the way you are so much.
Friends =]

Thursday, February 17, 2011
4:37 AM
Fighting ♥

Don't know why, hate you seriously. Don't make me angry I tell you. really hate to see you in school. No I mean class. You're like a fcuking bitch. Walking here and there, acting you're beautiful, thinks that yo're the most lovely ones. I tell you, you're just like a bunch of shit. You know S H I T ! Really hate you very much. I don't know those posts are writing about me or anyone else, if it's me, then, you'll really get a slap from me ! You idiot ! Don't tell non-sense in front of him. I din't mean that. Don't mistaken all this. I hate you. Even those posts are not related to me, I still hate you very much. I tough you we're a good one, but I was really wrong. You Bitch !

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
1:04 AM
Yikess ~

I promised not to go out anymore ! >< Everyone every where. It's so horrible, Nike shop, Puma shop, even the cinema. Horrible. I saw Viv, Yen, Brenda and some of their friends. The most shocked ones, I saw Chun Wai & the 鬼妹. >< Besides that, I don't know anything. 
I went to Nike shop today, but my mom don't let me help you buy. So sorry, I begged her, but she don't want to buy, really really sorry. =[


Saturday, February 12, 2011
10:10 PM
Fcuking Insane ♥

YEAHH ! ! !
I got Distinction for my RAD Inter-foundation exam !
Oh yeah, oh yeah !
freakin happy now, yeah yeah yeah !
Arhh, I want to thank my teacher - Ms.Chin, thank you so much, I love you
thank you mummy and daddy for sending me to class, I'll pay you back all I can !
thank you my friends, Chelsea, Evelyn, Jye Shin, Yen Yi, Suhailla, Michelle, Whitney & all the ones in Lot 10
thank you so so sooooooo much, I love you all

You know that kind of feeling when you put a lot of efforts in something and you got a very very good result !
That's how I feel now, I'm a fcuking insane now !
finally I've did it !
and my next goal is to achieve a Distinction in my RAD Intermediate exam !
come on, I'm not afraid of you ! 

thank you all my friends and teachers and families
thank you for your supports
I'll keep up my good work, THANK YOU !

7:12 PM
Breakfast ♥

I left my phone in school, so sorry that I can't sms with you. Sorry for not sending good night messages to you this 2 days. Sorry  =[

Today, another Sunday, woke up at 9.30. Continued with my internet thing, ,then dad wanted to make breakfast for us. It was so freakin delicious, bacon with beans and scramble egg, last added 2 pieces of toast. XD
YUMMY~ Din't know that my dad was such a cooker. 
But one thing bad about the breakfast is, it's because this is his first time doing these
so, the bacon was actually quite crunchy, and it tastes not that nice.
But anyway, the whole breakfast was delicious.

DUH, I'm going for ballet class again. Not feeling like dancing today because my mom's friend is comming over.
I wanted to stay at home and relax for the whole Sunday.
YIKESS~ I'll just have to go for the ballet class later. 
Hope my friends are there. If not I'm going to die.
Friends are more important !

Talk about school. In class, Kuan Sern and Ruben are just like freakin ass. They talk jokes and all kinds of funny stfffs. Remember that day, it was Pendidikan Moral class, and, we have to learn the new Wilayah song thingie, Kuan Sern and Ruben told me that if you don't know how to sing when Perhimpunan, you'll just have to sing a last word for all the sentences, and it's just a 'ahhhhhh'.
And I agreed with them.
Silly guys with silly thing.
Haizz~ freakin ASS xD

4:24 AM
_ _ _ _ _ _ ♥

Dear _ _ _ _ _ _,
     I hate you so freakin much, do you know that? Not that kind of hate, you know, something like, beh song!

Friday, February 11, 2011
8:17 PM
F girl

I hate you really much this time. You just look like a fcuking bitch, you know, those that lives in a farm with those smelly mud~ YIKESS, you're just as same like them ><"
One day, I'll find you out and smack you like hell. You like to do 'those' kind of things I don't care,but please, not mine ! At school, whenever I saw you, it just gives me a feeling that I want to slap you !
I'm serious this time, don't let me see this again, if not i'm really going to slap you 99 !
        F girl - _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Saturday, February 5, 2011
9:45 PM
New Year Season ♥

this new year just sucks !
less ang paos, and those people are just no where found
i woke up so freakin early just wanted to go back to grandmom's house
sit there for the whole day~ yikess
it's so boring and me and my sis are just like freakin insane
orang gila doing nothing 
my mom, my aunt and my grandpa 
3 of them played mahjong for the whole day
I wanted to learn how to play, so i sat beside my grandpa and watch him play
i don't know what the 碰 thn 'pak ban' thn game ==
wtf is that?
haizz, I'll just have to continue for the lesson on today
my grandpa is comming to my house today
just caz of wanted to play mahjong with my mom

set alarm for the guest comming
that's my cousins comming to my house today to have a look at my gigantic house
my cousin bro wanted to walk upstairs to have a look
( I scare he don't know how to come down, so I go up with him)
he was so funny
he walk into my mom's room(he dosen't know that's my mom's room)thn walk to my ballet studio
continue to my little brother's room thn my little sister room
open a sliding door, into my sister's room
thn a door to my room
he asked a lot of questions : Why is the cupboard so big? which one is your bro's room? Which one is your room?
This toilet is whose? What is this room for?
YIKESSS~ I have to explain the whole thing~
thn he walk to another staircase and shouted at her sister(my cousin sis) but then she din't answer him
he sights : is she deaf?
I giggle at a side~
after a hot porridge, my cousins went to visit my aunt which is in hospital
and i don't know what time will they come back ><
hope as fast as possible
I wanted to play with those freakin games AGAIN
and don't forget the mahjong paper and the precious set of mahjong
and the important one 
don't left grandpa behind
without him we can't play mahjong
*Wait for the next post later*
*It's a future one, so you'll have to wait*

Thursday, February 3, 2011
8:30 PM
Happy Chinese New Year ♥

Happy Chinese New Year everyone =]
 yesterday, 年初一
→ had a breakfast+lunch with 大伯伯
→ not very full
→ still kinda hungry
→ went to mummy & daddy's friends house
→ then go back to 婆婆's house
→ the real meal starts
→ so yummy xD

→ I got so many ang pao's
→ very very happy
→ hope to get more ang pao's today
→ muii yii I'm comming
→ xD

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
1:06 AM
这世界好乱啊 ♥

`是那么的乱 !




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