“Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.”

I am called Belle. 300 year old englishgirl who lives in KL. :D
I'm a ballet dancer. Admires dancers a lot.
Love roses, just a simple pink one. :)
A socialized girl. Loves to chaat.
Loves Avril a lot.
Music, the important daily 'food' :)

October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011

piNg rawr Yyan yen shan jbieber chris smun matthew mun jackson junen yng Cyi miao


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Monday, May 30, 2011
10:21 PM
Holidays ♥

 ♥ Yo guys, I have something interesting to show you guys, so just sit back and read this carefully.

You guys know that Friday was the last day of school right. So on the comming Saturday, I went to Singapore. Nearly forgotten about that caz i had too much fun in school. Packed my things on the Friday night, and sleep at around 12. Wake up dressed myself and here.....
First day's outfit. Already in Singapore Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Breakfast as Mc Donald and off to Singapore. We reached there about 2pm and we had our lunch. That lunch so was not tasty. It srsly sucks ! After the lunch we went to my aunt's house, which is just located near the food court. We went to out Hotel after my aunt's house. Here you go.....
Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore
 Let me tell you a little bit about this Hotel. This hotel is the most expensive one in Singapore. The swimming pool in this hotel is located at the roof top as you can see it's a long one. At the roof top you can experience and see the whole view of Singapore. It has a bar and a restaurant up there. There's a Jacuzzi up there where you can also see the whole Singapore. There's theater, casino, shopping mall and so on. it's a very complete hotel. 
This is the swimming pool at the roof top.
This little fancy thing there is a decoration at the hotel lobby. Kinda nice but tell you something, this hotel nearly breaks 15 champagne glass when i reached there. Lousy hotel ! The service there was so lame, we booked our rooms and we still have to wait for about 45 min to get our rooms and it's not in the same floor WTF ! 11, 15,20 -.- Hard to get something from others la ! After the check in, we had our dinner at the Italian restaurant. The food there was so freaking nice and tasty. We had pizza and spaghetti for that. We had a quick dinner and rushed to the zoo for out night safari trip. nice trip anyway, after the trip we had a night show. a accident happen on that night. A snake was lost, they were so scare and call some help from us. We helped them to find that freaking snake and lastly we found it. What a shock ! We had a nice first day and off to sleep.

The second day, wake up 7 in the morning rush for breakfast a the hotel and rushed to Sentosa, Singapore for Universal Studios. We played a lot of things there. The Shrek's 4D show was awesome. water splitting here and there, my bag was nearly wet. and we had the most cool roller coaster at the  Ancient Egypt section. 
There are a lot of sections in this Universal Studios. There's Hollywood at first, and Madagascar, Far Far Away, The Lost World, Ancient Egypt, Sci-Fi City and lastly New York. We played the Madagascar: A crate Adventure. It's a river boat ride. Next we went to Far Far Away. We watched the Shrek 4D Adventure, and Had the roller coaster called Enchanted Airways. Later we hopped on to The Lost World. We didn't take the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure caz it has to wait for 70 min, so forget abt it. Next to Ancient Egypt. The best roller coaster i ever had called Revenge of the Mummy. it has backwards motion in it, COOL !Later on, Sci-Fi City, also roller coaster but i didn't hop on it caz it was too too too scary. Next to New York, and we watched the Lights, Camera, Action ! hosted by Steven Spielberg. We experience how people make movie like fire rain storm big ships ahead falling object and so on. Cool man ! Lastly we went to Hollywood, we watched the Monster Rock. it's a rock and roll singing stage. There's something i can't explain in here, so just go there and experience yourself. It's almost 7 night and we had our dinner with my another aunt at the Big Easy Mexican restaurant. My cousin bro wasn't there caz he was at Thailand with this school trip. Too bad can't meet my bro. After the Mexican dinner we went back to our hotel by bus and straight went to roof top for swimming. Night swimming with night view is totally cool. it's 11pm and we went back to hotel for shower and went to the shopping mall for some food. it's nearly 2 and it's bed time :)

Wake up early in the morning had breakfast and me and my cousin which is at Singapore went for shopping the the mall there. The mall is something like our StarHill, things there are expensive and not much people shop at there. After shopping we went for swimming again. After swimming it's time to check out :( 3days 2night is OVER ! Gonna miss Singapore so much.

That's all for my trip. :) 
Tell you something, home is the best place, not even Marina Bay Sands hotel. xD

Sunday, May 22, 2011
1:03 AM

♥ You guys srsly fuck man ! I haven't angry then you angry ady. sohai ! i really don't want to eat those things what, got problem ? ASS HOLE ! I won't talk to fuckers, ever ! Fuckers are wasting my time, feel like throwing a big wooden chair to you, you ass hole. Don't ever make me angry, or else i'll be rude to you. very very rude. I'm not a normal girl that you think of, i'm very very different from others. I can do a lot of things that you never think of. DON'T MAKE ME ANGRY !
In another way, i can be really really good to you. as i've said, different from others. i really don't understand why you guys want to make ppl angry of you. does that really feel so good? i don't like to hate ppl, but you guys just do something and make me hate you. stupid ? 

* no mood >< stayed tuned for the next post .

Saturday, May 21, 2011
8:16 AM
Uptown ♥

♥ Exam these few days, and kinda lazy to study. anyways, bad time passes good time comes. yesterday, friday 20.5.2011, gave back my bro's geo latihan to him with a note clipped inside. friday, a 'maths' day, caz we're taking math exam for the whole day  wtf. be4 our exams, it's a wednesday. we got this spotcheck thingie which really makes me mad. we have to check out for something and if we didn't we're going to get scolded. really ass ! hey you wanna know something, i just sign up for a guitar and piano class at the same time. WOW ! amazing man ! never tough that my mom will be so good to me. i really have to put a lot of effort in these classes. gonna get some results to prove that i really love em. i'm gonna practice practice and practice. it's gonna be so cool. and for my ballet, nothing special, just working hardly for my Sept exam. it's going to be so hard. >< 
Complicated in friendship nowadays. They're like hating each other and gossip here gossip there. why are you guys like that? this is so not call friends it's called enemies. anyway, i wouldn't want back this anymore. it's all passed. let the new day begin. i'll like to accept the new rather than the old. so.....SORRY ! Been listening for songs these few days, no mood for sms-ing. LAZY !
Talk abt that ass hole. i'm really going to give up. kinda tiring hating her, wasting me time and energy. :) thanks to me, looking at you for so long. wasting my time hating you. :) you're free now my dear. *Not you ! xD`
When i grow up, i would like to be a millionaire, not a billionaire. but if i really can me a billionaire then..... i want to be a rich women, with big cars and big house and all the expensive things. but the most important thing is to study hard from now onwards. i would also like to be a investor. i would like to buy a lot of properties. another option, a ballerina. :) a professional one, not a lame one. not those dancing at small stage ones. i want to dance on a big stage, a really wide and grand one. with red thick curtains, and with spot lights, shine up my sparkling costume. with a Gaynor point shoe, and a small crown on top of my head. that's what i really wish for in my future.

I'll stop here my dear bloggers, see ya next time :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011
7:07 AM
♥ Finally

♥ i locked my blog forever and ever now.

i really hate it when mom class me to switch off the computer and work out on my studies. come on, i will, don't need you to always repeat and repeat. >< 
tell you a truth, being yourself is the most beautiful thing in the world. mom told me that and i think for the whole day, just for the few words of sentence. trust me, this is totally true. i never tell people any quotes. but now i'm telling you guys this is a truth. 
monday, not confirmed yet whether i'm going to school or not. mom says sis got the band thing to do. haiz. waste of time. but she likes it, whatever. i was thinking of making a new account for a new blog, but it don't allows me. hate it ! i don't have a brand new e-mail address, all have been used or tried be4. ermm, just have to choose a time and make a new one agn. wait for my new blog ya.
Oh almost forget is blog is only one reader. >< jia xin :)
specially for you only. but i think i'll make one more, or i don't.

nothing to say anymore. btw nice blog you have there. :)

unlock the blog ady xD`

Saturday, May 14, 2011
4:33 AM
Why would it be like this ? ♥

♥ FUCK ! Kinda sad and disappoint these days. you've changed , srsly. i don't like the way you treat us, it's like torturing. you understand? don't say that you're powerful, bullshit ! we're just a year smaller than you, whatz that big point ? we're same ! HUMANS ! we got feelings kays ? and you ! same ! don't think that you're in a same class with her and i'll scare you. just human as well. 
JiaXin , don't worry too much. it will over in someday. what we really have to do is quit that thingie and leave there forever. most important is study as hard as we can. remember walk front and never ever look back. 

These days, mama was doing with some investment. actually she did it in a long time ago just didn't talk abt it. she says there's a boy, a mature boy, abt 24 years old, he did a lot of investment and he's a rich one now. he's dad and mom tough him investing when he was 12. wtf. standard 6, kinda incredible but it's real. after a long lesson from my mom, i want to be a investor as well. i wan to be rich. mom tough me abt million billions thing, like properties and so on. kinda interesting to me. i swear i will become a investor. mom also shows me some properties at damansara. those are really crazy. per square ft , thousand something. wow ! where can i find that much of money to buy only a square ft. but she also says that Malaysia's is kinda consider cheap, caz Singapore was like seven thousand something per square ft. much more crazier than Malaysia. anyway, all these is all the things that i can't do now. and i'll just have to wait till i've grown up. 

Today, was so kinda crazy. mom calls me at abt 8 in the morning. we have our breakfast and straight went to IKEA. we bought 3 big book shelf and 2 small ones which really costs 6thousand something. and you know what, those cupboards are so damn heavy. we asked for help and pushed the trolley by ourself. damn hard to push man !
anyway we made it to the cashier and to the delivery section, and it's abt 11am. we drove all the way to 1Utama to have some food. OMG, can't really think of what i've ate. Nahh, just leave it. after eating we went for shopping. i bought a bag, a really cool bag costs abt 100. after that we went to Coach. kinda boring inside there. those bags aren't that nice and it sucks. later, we went to Crocs. and we never get anything, wtf. and it's almost 2.45, so we just leave and went for my ballet class. ballet class was so cool as it always is. Ms.Kuan was absent and Ms.Toh take over the class. she's so professional. all the beautiful strength OMG ! love her srsly.
and the modern jazz class. so so. not really fun but i have fun as well. *if you don't understand what i'm talking abt just forget abt it :0

Abt my life. Mom bought a Ipad 2 online and i'm waiting for it to reach my house. yikess, it's so long. really can't wait. we went to the Mac apps store at 1Utama but nothing special inside there. all those computers Iphone and all kinds of stuff. we saw some cover for our Ipad 2 but we didn't really buy it. and abt the facebook.            i'm kinda boring and feddup with it. i'm like sitting there you know, waiting for notifications. wtfuck. really feddup man ! wanna kill myself instead of facebook+king. Oh ! just forget abt it. 

I'm gonna stop here. see you guys later. :D

Monday, May 9, 2011
4:41 AM
不要以为 ♥

♥ Ass hole ! That status there is about you ! You Idiot !
I always tough you're a good friend to me , I'm damn stubborn la ! Meet a fucking friend like you !
I know now , and i won't make you as my friend anymore . 

SRY ! I have to stop right here . Will continue with this post again ! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011
7:57 AM
Frustration ♥

♥ Sorry guys !
Been not touching this blog for some time ...
Got problems on internet time ...

Kinda angry these days . Abt school abt family abt HIM !
That's why , listening for the song called 'All About Him -- Auburn' almost everyday !
OWH ! Hate him , but kinda like him too... Worry to hate him ... >< 
Why I still want to care abt him ... He don't mean anything to me anymore . But why ? 
Tell me my friends ? You guys know me very well . I know . Tell me...
Hate him caz he don't reply my msg . ISHH !  
HATE HIM ........ LIKE HIM  ! ?
Thursday , 10am ! Hate it ! Nothing to do . Standing there waiting for the rain to drop . wtf .
Nahh , not going to talk abt that anymore . Just think by yourself , and don't comment . :)
Yesterday , Friday 6.5.2011 . Done a little bit of my homework , mom says that she want that purple cup . 
So we went to McDonald . About 11pm . Yo ! That really rocks . We got to buy that purple can cup . xD
Mom and dad was like talking all those bad words .... you know .... haha  What a funny night . Slept at abt 1am  :)
*FUCk ! What the hell you change that for ? Stupid ? ! Can't tahan you lo . Same same... 蟑螂 !
You guys are so so so same man ! Can't really tell which is which . xD
Never mind , you change , I'll know that someday . I will !
Entertaining boys >< Eww ! Make them happy kays . Don't make then angry or they'll fuck you like hell  :0
You're good in English , don't mean anything to me . Don't always show off your 'pro' English skill . It sucks !
You there ! If you don't agree what I'm sayin now , bitch off . Really angry abt this fella . Traditional 'ka zat' .
Realized that my school , you know . Kinda dirty . Dirty of all this 'ka zat' . 
Gonna find a cleaner and clean them off . Srsly YUCKS !
Talk abt that fella . Change lah , nothing wrong with me . Tough you're very beautiful .
Go back to your rubbish bin la . You look more beautiful with your rubbish . YUCKS !
You're once srsly my friend . Sorry you aren't now . FUCK OFF ! kays ?
* Tiring man this whole day . Ballet ballet and ballet . Grand jete whole day . Feets are going to break soon . 
Tired sleepy kinda drunk . But don't feel like sleeping . ><
Don't want to talk abt this . 
*Friday . Got scolded ! Hate ! I really didn't go there and look at you . Really ! I just .........saw a little bit of it . 
>< Sorry la ! Everytime also kena marah ! 
***K ! 
I'm gonna stop here . 
Thanks for reading . 
Stayed tuned for the next exciting post . 
Toodles . :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011
12:08 AM
你真没用 ♥

♥ 你真的很没用
只是告诉你一点点的东西,你就不理我了 .
可以不要酱怕吗 ?
我很难跟你做朋友啊 !
我不是完全的讨厌你,只是有一点点原谅不了你的感觉 .
没什么大不了的 .
你可以自动一点吗 ?
不要每次都是我问你,你主动一点会死啊 ?
很生气的咯 !
自从我和你分了后,你变了很多 .
我知道你和我分了后,你没有再喜欢任何人 .
包括她 !
我知道 .
在我心里面,你还不是我的朋友 .
你只不过是一个还在让我讨厌的一个普通人 .
我不知道要不要把你当朋友 .
我怕如果我把你当朋友,你会背叛我 .
我不能预测将来,所以我不知道将会发生什么事 .
我不希望不好的事发生在我身上 .

时间 .
能告诉一切 .

哥 !
和你谈了真个下午,非常开心 .
从来没有人可以弄到我那么那么的开心 .
笑了真个下午,笑到肚子很痛 xD
谈关于朋友,关于感情 .
你都知道了,全都知道了 .
希望你能了解我现在的情况 .
谢谢你和我分享你的生活经验 .
我很喜欢和你谈天,坐在房间里,就那么的一个小时 .
一个小时,我知道了很多很多 .
非常的谢谢你 .
我知道你不喜欢我看你操步,很对不起啦 . :D
我很了解你是个怎样的人,更加了解你喜欢什么 .
也很了解你讨厌什么 .
我不开心的时候,是你在晚上打电话来安慰我 .
你不开心的时候,我在饭厅里吃饭 . 对不起啊 ! ><
我知道你很不开心,我没有去安慰你,反而坐在饭厅里吃饭 .
对不起 对不起 !
我发誓,以后以后都不敢了 .
原谅我啦 ><
对不起 .
还有,我那一个愿望 !
别忘了 !
你的愿望,我记住了 .
我会帮你实现你的愿望的 .


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